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Natural Treatment tips for Skin Rashes 12:01 PM

Skin rash is defined as skin that is not normal in appearance and texture. It is characterized by redness, bumps, blotches, cracks, blisters or swelling and may be accompanied by itching and, in severe cases, by fever. A rash may be localized or may spread to the entire body. If medical attention is not given on time, the problem can worsen. Dry skin rashes are the most common rashes among all. If you belong to the category of those having dry skin, then you might have bigger chances of developing skin rashes because being dry, your skin will be easily irritated, especially during the cold, dry months of the year. Prevent dry skin rashes by drinking sufficient water and apply adequate amount of moisturizer. Some dry skin rashes are however, hereditary. In this particular case, external environment does not play an important role in causing it, just in triggering it. In the case of hereditary dry skin rashes, skin becomes extremely itchy and inflamed, causing redness, swelling, cracking, weeping, crusting, and scaling. Taking certain food can cause some skin rashes to the facial areas. You must have come across friends who experience facial skin rash after taking seafood or beef. If you find that you get facial skin rashes after taking certain food, perhaps you should avoid taking that particular food or consult your doctor for advice. Using moisturizers twice daily can reduce itching while softening and hydrating the skin. A humidifier in your home can help the skin stay hydrated. Using a moisturizing cleanser on your skin can irritate the skin, but using mild cleansers that do not contain soap is often the best solution for cleaning skin that is prone to allergies. Wearing gloves while doing housework or anything else that requires you to have your hands in something wet for a period of time is a good way to protect your hands from skin irritants. Keep your fingernails short so you don't damage skin when you cannot keep from scratching and if the problem is severe you may want to wear cotton gloves to bed at night to keep from being tempted to scratch when you aren't fully awake. Biotin is a member of the vitamin B group. This ingredient is excellent for treating dry skin. Biotin is found in a variety of skin care products and is used in dandruff shampoos. Carotene is an antioxidant that is often used in cosmetics and skin care products. It is derived from red and orange plants and vegetables. Citric Acid comes from the extracts of all citrus fruits. It is effective for neutralizing the pH of the skin. Citric acid is used in a wide variety of skin and hair care products.


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